Opportunities for U.S. Teachers

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program sends U.S. primary and secondary school teachers abroad for three to six months to pursue individual projects, conduct research, take courses for professional development, and share their expertise with local teachers and students. There is a short-term program option (two-six weeks) that sends expert U.S. teachers to support projects identified by U.S. Embassies and Fulbright Commissions in schools, teacher training colleges, government ministries, and educational non-governmental organizations.

Program Details

The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program is a professional development fellowship for elementary, middle, and high school teachers from the United States to participate in a program aimed at globalizing U.S. classrooms. The fellowship includes an online professional development course, a Global Education Symposium held in Washington, D.C., and a two-to-three-week international field experience.

Program Details

The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program provides short-term study and travel seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries.

Program Details

The Fulbright-Hays–Group Projects Abroad Program provides grants to support overseas projects in training, research, and curriculum development in modern foreign languages and area studies for teachers, students, and faculty engaged in a common endeavor.

Program Details
Student standing in front of blackboard
Dhruv Shah
U.S. to India, 2019
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