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A Night of Poetry From Fulbright Poets to Romania, Burkina Faso, and Finland

08/17/2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EDT

A Night of Poetry From Fulbright Poets to Romania, Burkina Faso, and Finland

Join us to travel to Romania, Burkina Faso, and Finland with five poets and writers sharing their Fulbright inspired projects.

Rajnesh Chakrapani is a poet, translator, and filmmaker and holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. In 2021 he will be a Fulbright U.S. Student to Romania where he will translate an Anthology of Contemporary Roma Poetry. His chapbook of poems Brown People who Speak English is published by Guesthouse Press. He has work placed in Asymptote, Lana Turner, Speculative City, TriquarterlyLiterary North, Sequestrum, and Crevice.

Cristina A. Bejan is an award-winning Romanian-American historian, theatre artist, and poet. A Rhodes and Fulbright scholar, she currently teaches history at Metropolitan State University of Denver. She was a 2007 Fulbright U.S. Student to Romania at the University of Bucharest. Bejan received her Master's and DPhil (Ph.D.) in Modern History from the University of Oxford and her BA in Philosophy (Honors) from Northwestern. A playwright and spoken word artist, her creative work has appeared in the US, UK, Romania, and Vanuatu. Bejan runs the arts group Bucharest Inside the Beltway. A spoken word poet, her stage name is Lady Godiva. You can find her books and more at cristinaabejan.com

Suzanne Ondrus is a poet whose work explores cultural identity, language, racism, and women’s sexuality.  She was a 2018 Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Burkina Faso and her poetry book Passion Seeds, about a Burkinabe and American love story, won the 2013 Vernice Quebodeaux Pathways Poetry Prize. Her poems are in New Square, SlabFrigg, Colere,JENDA,Route7, CV2, and Visitant.  See poems in S/tick from her next book, Death of an Unvirtuous Woman, due out September 2022 with Finishing Line Press. Hear more of her Burkinabe motorcycle poems on her YouTube channel Suzanne Ondrus.

Tim Frandy is a member of the Sámi American community, an Assistant Professor of Folk Studies at Western Kentucky University, and a 2009 Fulbright U.S. Student to Finland. Working predominantly with Indigenous peoples, their research includes decolonization, public folklore, and the environmental humanities. Frandy’s recent translation of Inari Sámi Folklore is the first polyvocal anthology of Sámi oral tradition ever published in English. An occasional writer of poetry and literary nonfiction, Frandy’s work (whether scholarly or creative) uses traditional discourses, metaphors, and relationalities to create surrealist and lyrical meditations on Indigeneity in the world today.

Cheryl J. Fish is the author of recent poetry books Crater & Tower, reflecting on trauma and ecology after the Mount St. Helens Volcanic eruption and the terrorist attack of 9/11/01, and The Sauna is Full of Maids, celebrating Finnish sauna culture, travel, and friendship. Her debut novel Off the Yoga Matt will be published in 2022 by Livingston Press. She has published essays on Sami film and photography in response to extraction in arctic Fennoscandia, in journals, blogs, and anthologies. Fish is a 2006 Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Finland, and she teaches at BMCC/City University of New York.






5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EDT
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