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Fulbright Day: Honduras

07/17/2021, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT

Four photos of Fulbright Honduras' alumni association activities. Text underneath in blue reads "Fulbright Day: Honduras, July 7, 2021"

The photos above illustrate the topics that will be covered during Honduras' Fulbright Day presentation. The top two photos are associated with Fulbright Café 2, which is about La Mosquitia. The photos are of a donation that the Honduran Fulbright Association coordinated in 2020 for the victims of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in La Mosquitia. Fulbright Café 1 is about education, and the bottom right photo is of the Honduran Fulbright Association's visit to a make a donation to a public school in Ojojona, a small down south of Tegucigalpa, where a U.S. Fulbrighter carried out an education program. The fourth photo on the bottom left is a group photo of a Christmas dinner, an annual traditional where Fulbright alumni come together to give thanks.

On Saturday July 17th, “Fulbright Day: Honduras” will bring together Fulbrighters from around the world to celebrate 75 years of the Fulbright Program, and more than 31 years of activities by Honduran Fulbrighters and the local Fulbright alumni association.

We will host a virtual event (in Spanish) on the Asociación Fulbright de Honduras’s Facebook page, to share accomplishments and ongoing work of Honduran Fulbrighters and the local alumni association in the areas of education and entrepreneurship. We will also host two engaging colloquia under the banner of our traditional “Café Fulbright”: Fulbright experts in the field will share their thoughts on reviewing and reimagining education after a crisis, and will close the event with a focus on Honduras’s environmental richness and its threats, with a special focus on the La Mosquitia zone and Río Plátano reserve.

Join us at https://web.facebook.com/FulbrightHonduras on the local alumni association’s page, and register at https://forms.gle/wNkWBTFZ7RVd9JEP7


All times below are in local Honduras time.

Master of Ceremony- Gabriela Garay, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras

Section 1
09:00 Greetings:
Jose Maria Agurcia, Board Vice-President, Fulbright Honduras

09:03 Opening remarks:
Representative from the United States Embassy in Honduras.

09:06 | Getting to know Fulbright Honduras Association
Eloisa Rodriguez, Board President, Fulbright Honduras

09:16 Becas Fulbright- Banco Atlantida
Representative from Banco Atlantida- Sponsor for Fulbright Scholarship

09:20 Section 2 | Programs in Place: Una Beca Mas- Game Plan Honduras
Carlos Turcios, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras

Maria Teresa Morazan, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras

09:55 Panel 3 | Fulbright Cafe- Topic 1 (EDUCATION) 60 mins
Moderator: Gloria Ulloa, Board Secretary, Fulbright Honduras
Theme: Conversatorio sobre Educación en tiempos de pandemia
Dr. Hermes Dias, Rector UPNFM, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras
Dr. Rene Noe, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras

10:55 Panel 4 |Fulbright Cafe- Topic 2- LA MOSQUITIA 60 mins
Moderator: Dra Aleyda Linares, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras
Theme: Conversatorio: Pasado y futuro del corredor biológico Mesoamericano y sus pueblos indígenas.
Dr. Gloria Lara, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras
Elmor Wood, Association Member, Fulbright Honduras

11:55 Cierre del Dia Fulbright Honduras (Gabriela Garay)


Find more information on past and future Fulbright Days here.


11:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT
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