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Fulbright Impact in the Field: Strengthening International Engagement on U.S. Campuses

03/08/2021, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Four U.S. University Presidents Share Campus Internationalization Challenges and Opportunities with Fulbright

Join leading U.S. university administrators for a wide-ranging discussion on international engagement. Panelists will share their perspectives, gained through Fulbright and their careers, on the current challenges and opportunities facing higher education in the United States, including the positive impacts of international engagement, the effects of COVID-19, and how engagement with Fulbright has strengthened globalization of their respective campuses

Moderated by Harris Pastides, Chairman of the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Panelists are:

  • Ronald Crutcher, President of the University of Richmond
  • Joan Gabel, President of the University of Minnesota
  • Willard Gingerich, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs, Montclair State University
  • Mark B. Rosenberg, President of Florida International University
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