Fulbright Day: Côte d’Ivoire – September 28

Promotional graphic for Fulbright Day: Cote d’Ivoire with the following text - Cote d’Ivoire celebrating 75 years of Fulbright. Remarks from the president of the national Fulbright association, panel discussions on Zoom, short video testimonials from alumni, tribute to the late senator Charles P. Gomis, first Fulbright participant 1964. Join us to learn more about what Fulbright is and what it does in Cote d’Ivoire on Facebook: @USAbidjan - Website: http://ci.usembassy.gov

In celebration of the worldwide Fulbright 75th anniversary, U.S. Embassy Abidjan will hosted discussions, conferences, and a workshop on “Ideation and Literature” at American Spaces throughout Côte d’Ivoire from September 22 to 28, 2021. On September 28, the official date for Fulbright Day: Côte d’Ivoire, the U.S. Mission highlighted the longstanding and constructive collaboration between Côte d’Ivoire and the United States of America via alumni video clips, Facebook, and Twitter postings.

Fulbright Day: Côte d’Ivoire Agenda

Theme#1: How to Acquire a Development Mindset for Success?
Lecturer: Dr. Hortense Dodo (Fulbright Scholar 2007-2008)
Date: Wednesday, September 22
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm GMT
Venue: American Center (along with Zoom & Facebook Live)
Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqc-GorTgoGdxze8Ed9ETkFKsVgI2_bM-z

Theme#2: Ideation and Literature Workshop
Lecturer: Dr. Naminata Diabaté
Date: Thursday, September 23
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm- GMT
Venue: American Center (along with Zoom & Facebook Live)
Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwud-CurDMjGdx_f8gkIxCY6m4bINPpcAUq

Theme#3: The Fulbright Program and its Opportunities
Lecturer: Dr. Hilaire Kouadio (Fulbright F.S Alumnus 2010)
Date: Tuesday, September 28
Time: 2:00pm-3:15pm- GMT
Venue: Andrew Young Center (along with Facebook Live on www.facebook.com/AYCAbidjan)

Theme#4: The Fulbright Program and American Diplomacy
Panelists: Dr. Remy Oussou (HHH Alumnus) & Prof. N’GUESSAN Kouadio Germain (Fulbright F.S Alumnus 2009-2010)
Date: Tuesday, September 28
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm-GMT
Venue: Aerican Space- University F.H.B (along with Facebook Live)
Meeting ID: 839 8466 1781 Passcode: asufhb

Theme#5: My Fulbright Experience
Panelist-1: Aka Assoumou (Fulbright F.S 2013-2015)
Panelist-2: Dr. Olivier Tienebo (Fulbright F.S)
Date: Tuesday, September 28
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm-GMT
Venue: American Space Yamoussoukro (in-person only)

Theme#6: How to Apply for the Fulbright Program and What are its Benefits?
Panelist-1: Dr. Daouda Coulibaly (Fulbright F.S & Bouake American Space employee)
Panelist#2: Prof. Pierre Kramoko (SUSI Alumnus 2014)
Date: Tuesday, September 28
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Venue: American Space Bouake (in-person only)

Fulbright 75th Anniversary – Yamoussoukro
Date and time: Tuesday, September 28, 12:00 PM 
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83551375460?pwd=UDBqQ1ZIVU5RSTFrb2FmdUROSEp1dz09
ID: 835 5137 5460
Secret Code: 001293